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Secteur 일반적인과학

Amplitude, Focused Energy와 계약 체결

Amplitude는 샌프란시스코 베이 지역에 있는 레이저 융합 회사 Focused Energy의 시설에 설치할 두 개의 킬로줄급 고에너지, 고반복률 레이저 시스템을 개발할 예정입니다.   파리 -...
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Secteur 일반적인과학

선구적인 연구를 위한 차세대 레이저

Amplitude와 HZDR, 새로운 연구소와 협력 강화 Amplitude Laser Group과 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)는 드레스덴에 공동 연구소를 설립하여 18년간의 협력을 더욱 강화합니다....
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Secteur 과학

Revolutionizing Research with High-Energy Lasers: A Decade of Innovation at LP3 Laboratory

For over a decade, LP3 laboratory, Aix-Marseille University, and CNRS have been at the forefront of cutting-edge research, harnessing the power of high-energy lasers...
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Secteur 일반적인, 과학, 산업, 그리고 의료

내장형 액정 셀을 사용하여 펨토초 레이저 기록 도파관에서 편광의 전기 광학 제어

  이 글을 읽어보시기 바랍니다. Electro-optical control of polarization in femtosecond-laser written waveguides using an embedded liquid crystal cell 이 과학 간행물에서는 조정...
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Secteur 과학, 일반적인, 그리고 의료

PODCAST: Interview with Pierre-Mary Paul Amplitude Laser

Interview from Justine Murphy Senior Editor at Laser Focus Worl, March 19, 2024 >> https://lnkd.in/eH2pvSKz // In this Episode 3 Photonics Podcast, Justine talks with...
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Secteur 일반적인과학

The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) has selected Amplitude to provide the first 1PW, 1Hz laser system in India

TIFR has selected Amplitude once again for providing a ultrahigh intensity laser, now a PW laser system, one of the two  most powerful lasers...
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Secteur 일반적인과학

Another Nobel Prize with a touch of Amplitude

Physicists who built ultrafast ‘attosecond’ lasers win the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics At Amplitude, we are very proud that ultrafast lasers have once again been honored...
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Secteur 일반적인과학

Amplitude’s Production Sites Successfully Renew ISO Certifications

Amplitude, a leading company in ultrafast lasers, proudly announces the successful renewal of their ISO certifications for all their production sites:
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Secteur 일반적인과학

Amplitude in partnership with Qt-Science in Brazil

Amplitude Laser is proud to announce its new partnership with QT-SCIENCE a leading scientific provider of optical equipment and solutions  in Brazil. “We...
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Secteur 과학일반적인

Amplitude and SourceLab Under Commercial Agreement

Amplitude Laser is proud to announce a new commercial agreement with SourceLAB S.A.S. , a worldwide leading industry provider of laser plasma technology, in...
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Secteur 일반적인과학

A novel approach for efficient XUV generation

Congratulations to Caterina Vozzi, Research Director at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies, and co-worker for the freshly published results...
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Secteur 일반적인과학

미국 미시간 대학에서 Z.E.U.S. Laser System 용 Pulsar Front-end의 성공적인 설치

2년 전, Amplitude가 미국에서 가장 강력한 레이저 설립 참여에 선정되었다고 발표했습니다. 👉 Z.E.U.S. (Zettawatt에 상당한 초단파 펄스 레이저 시스템) Amplitude는 여러 다른 주요 구성 요소와...
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Secteur 일반적인과학

Amplitude & Multipoint Project

멀티포인트 프로젝트를 진행하면서 에메릭 바이버(
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Secteur 일반적인과학

Amplitude와 Newtech의 파트너십 – Israel

Amplitude Laser는 Israël 에서 Lasers, Electro-Optics, Optical Components, Motion Control, Spectroscopy Instruments 등의 주요 공급업체인 New Technology S.K. Ltd.(Newtech)와의 새로운 파트너십을 발표하게 된 것을...
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Secteur 과학일반적인

Amplitude supports the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Amplitude Laser supports this specific day, implemented by UNESCO and United Nations-Women, because we recognize the critical role women and girls play in science...
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Secteur 일반적인, 과학, 그리고 산업

Amplitude involved in AI

Because AI could help increase global productivity by 40%, allowing workers to focus on more satisfying tasks or solving more complex problems, Amplitude confirms...
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Secteur 일반적인, 과학, 그리고 산업

Amplitude Signs a Partnership With Laser Optronic in Italy

Amplitude Laser is proud to announce a new partnership with Laser Optronic S.r.l., a leading Italian company, distributing Continuum's products - standard...
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Secteur 일반적인과학

Launch of Elite: the New Standard in High Energy Nanosecond Laser

Amplitude expands its portfolio of high energy nanosecond lasers and pump lasers for Pulsar TW and PW laser chains
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Secteur 과학일반적인

A Pulsar Petawatt laser system for Institute of Physics CAS Beijing

The Institute of Physics - Chinese Academy of Sciences - in Beijing trusted in Amplitude for developing the newest Pulsar PW. Watch this amazing...
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Secteur 과학

Surelite 4 A New High Energy Diode Pumped Laser Platform

Continuum, a company of Amplitude Laser Group, launches Surelite 4: a new high energy diode pumped laser platform for ultrafast lasers, exhibited...