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Secteur 과학, 의료, 그리고 일반적인

Amplitude Supplies a 60 TeraWatt Laser to KIT in Germany

Amplitude Laser follows its partnership with Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) for science and medical research By the end of year 2021, Amplitude will have...
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Secteur 일반적인과학

Latest Results at Amplitude on High Average Power PW Laser

During the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (web conference), on Oct 27th (16h UTC+9 / 9 am CET), Franck Falcoz, our laser expert,...
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Secteur 일반적인과학

Amplitude Selected to Participate in the Construction of the Most Powerful laser in the U.S.

Amplitude Laser has been selected to participate in the construction of the most powerful laser in the United Sates: the Zettawatt-Equivalent Ultrashort pulse laser...
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Secteur 의료, 일반적인, 과학, 그리고 산업

Amplitude welcomes new partners in GLOphotonics

Amplitude, a long-time strategic investor in the French startup GLOphotonics is pleased to welcome Trumpf and DMG-MORI as new partners in the company. GLOphotonics...
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Secteur 일반적인, 과학, 그리고 의료

X-Pulse Project Provides Encouraging Results for Integrating Laser Based Imaging System for Early Detection of Breast Cancer

X-Pulse project aims to build a prototype of pre-clinical imaging system, based on x-ray sources generated by ultrafast lasers, specifically dedicated to...
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Secteur 일반적인과학

Premiumlite: A Successful Presentation in Lisses

We were delighted to have received on September 24th a prestigious committee to our offices in Lisses for presenting our Premiumlite laser. Stéphane Branly, Product...
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Secteur 과학

Tunable laser for neuro-imaging installed at Oxford University

Adam Packer is a researcher in the field of neuroscience based in Oxford. With his 5 students,...
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Secteur 일반적인과학

Amplitude is present at CLEO 2019

It is with great pleasure that we can tell you of our presence at the 2019...
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Secteur 산업, 과학, 그리고 일반적인

Amplitude sponsors Student Award at Photonics West

Remi Meyer, from FEMTO-ST, France, received the best paper awards for his paper "Novel...
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Secteur 일반적인, 과학, 그리고 산업

Compress unveiled at BIOS and Photonics West 2019

BIOS and Photonics West being around the corner, we thought it...
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Secteur 일반적인, 과학, 그리고 산업

Compress, Compress, higher repetition rates and maximum peak intensity

Compress, the industrial pulse compression module offers a unique combination of throughput efficiency and...
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Secteur 과학산업

Amplitude Launches the New Premiumlite Laser in Glass version

Within Premiumlite product range, Amplitude launches the glass version, worldwide unique high repetition-rate for pumping PW-Class...
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Secteur 과학산업

A new industrial compression module by Amplitude

Compress is the first industrial product line of nonlinear compression modules available on the market. Compatible...
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Secteur 과학산업

Amplitude’s Premiumlite laser, 1st commercial high energy / high average power Laser to be both endured and reliable

The Premiumlite laser demonstrates sustainable energy stability, over 4 million shots within 10 days: 50...
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Secteur 과학산업

Amplitude Launches Premiumlite , a Worldwide Unique Cost-Effective Laser

The New Product Line of Flashlamp-pumped Lasers Opening New Processing Opportunities For Scientific and Industrial Applications Amplitude,...
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Secteur 일반적인, 과학, 산업, 그리고 의료

Nobel Prize in Physics for femtosecond laser technology

October 2 2018 The Nobel Prize in Physics 2018 was awarded to Donna Strickland and Gerard Mourou  "for...