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Electro-optical control of polarization in femtosecond-laser written waveguides using an embedded liquid crystal cell

We invite you to read this article Electro-optical control of polarization in femtosecond-laser written wavegu...
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PODCAST: Interview with Pierre-Mary Paul, Amplitude Laser

Interview from Justine Murphy Senior Editor at Laser Focus Worl, March 19, 2024 >> https://lnkd.in/eH2pv...
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ガラスのフェムト秒レーザーGHzバースト穿孔の進歩: バースト形状と持続時間の影響

記事掲載日: 2023年5月30日 MDPI – マイクロマシンジャーナル 概要 フェムト秒GHzバーストモードレーザー加工は、ここ数年で注目を集めています。ごく最近、この新しい領域を使用した最初のパーカッシ...
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3D 칩 패키징의 힘

더 강력하고, 더 많은 기능을 내장하고, 더 저렴하게 생산할 수 있는 칩을 향한 경쟁 속에서 지난 몇 년 동안 3D 패키징 디자인이 발전해 왔습니다. 3D...
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ELI ALPS研究所で700TW/10Hz 22fsチタンサファイアレーザーの導入に成功

4月に開催されたSPIE Optics + Optoelectronicsにおいて、Benoît BussiereはハンガリーのSzegedにあるELI ALPS研究所に設置された700TW / 10Hz 22 fs T...
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Satsuma Niji 3P-imagingの第一号機がINMED(Institut de neurobiologie de la méditerranée)に設置されました。 Satsuma Niji 3P-imag...
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Amplitude in partnership with Qt-Science in Brazil

Amplitude Laser is proud to announce its new partnership with QT-SCIENCE a leading scientific provider of opti...
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High efficiency GHz laser processing with long bursts

New article written by Eric Mottay, co-founder and CEO of Amplitude, and Eric Audouard, Industrial Application...
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A novel approach for efficient XUV generation

Congratulations to Caterina Vozzi, Research Director at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Institute fo...
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Amplitude and Continuum Merge to Become Amplitude Laser Inc.

PRESS RELEASE Amplitude Laser Inc. * April 1, 2022 Amplitude and Continuum Merge to Become Amplitude Laser Inc...
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Ti:Sapphire Laser Maintenance After Long Shutdown

It is recommended to run your ultrafast Ti:Sapphire amplifier at least 30 minutes every week to ensure its pro...
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Amplitude プレスキット

You will be able to find below a press kit containing various elements you can use for your articles. Availabl...