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Amplitudeは、デンマーク・ノルウェー・スウェーデン・フィンランドにおいて産業向けのプレシジョンレーザー、光学、分光の分野における販売のトップクラスである4 Photonics AB(以下4 Photonics社)...
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Secteur 全般的

On the road to a Quality ISO 9001 certification for Amplitude Laser Group

The Bureau Veritas renewed our ISO certifications 9001V2015 ‘Quality Management Systems’ and ‘1348...
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Amplitude sponsors MSE2020

Leading the #ultrafast laser market, Amplitude Laser sponsors MSE2020, a virtual congress on Materials Science...
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Hiring a Sales Manager for Science

We are hiring a Sales Manager for our scientific and large project markets within Europe. Many interesting mis...
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Secteur 全般的産業分野

Amplitude Laser Talks About High Throughput at AMNMP 2020

Amplitude Laser President and CEO Eric Mottay will give a talk on the 7 october (15.00-16.30 BST) regarding hi...
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Secteur 全般的理科学分野

Amplitude Selected to Participate in the Construction of the Most Powerful laser in the U.S.

Amplitude Laser has been selected to participate in the construction of the most powerful laser in the United ...
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Secteur 全般的産業分野

The 500th Amplitude Femtosecond Laser Shipped to Asia for Producing OLED Panels

Our 500 ultrafast lasers contribute to produce +2 million OLED panels per day, +5 000/laser/day ! Every year +...
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Secteur 全般的理科学分野

Latest Results at Amplitude on High Average Power PW Laser

During the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (web conference), on Oct 27th (16h UTC+9 / 9 am CET),...
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Amplitude Building a State-of-the-art XUV Source at LASE

Amplitude has been contracted by the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, providing a state-of-the-art XUV ...
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All Amplitude sites are open and operational

After several months into the COVID-19 pandemic in many regions around the world, France has gone back to lock...
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Secteur 医療全般的

Fighting breast cancer : Amplitude shares its progress within the X-Pulse project

The XPulse project aims to develop a 3D X-ray imaging system using ultrafast lasers for application in the ear...
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The Sales Team Is Getting Bigger!

Amplitude Laser Group welcomes today our three new colleagues in sales! Andreas Wollscheidt will be responsibl...
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Secteur 全般的理科学分野医療

Amplitude Supplies a 60 TeraWatt Laser to KIT in Germany

Amplitude Laser follows its partnership with Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) for science and medical...
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Secteur 全般的産業分野

Amplitude Webinar #2: How to Optimize Quality and Productivity on Machining with the Femtotrig® Function

This web-conference deals with precise synchronisation : the ability to have the laser pulses at the right mom...
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Secteur 全般的理科学分野

A Pulsar Petawatt laser system for Institute of Physics CAS Beijing

The Institute of Physics – Chinese Academy of Sciences – in Beijing trusted in Amplitude for devel...
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Amplitude Technologies and Amplitude Systèmes merge and now operate under Amplitude name

The two French sister-companies Amplitude Technologies and Amplitude Systèmes merge and now operate under a un...
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Secteur 全般的理科学分野

Launch of Elite: the New Standard in High Energy Nanosecond Laser

Amplitude expands its portfolio of high energy nanosecond lasers and pump lasers for Pulsar TW and PW laser ch...
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Secteur 全般的

Job offer: Sales Engineer East Coast USA

Amplitude recruits a Sales Engineer for the East coast, USA (home-based). More details about this job: Click h...
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Secteur 全般的医療産業分野

Amplitude Collaborates With CATIE

Because we care about our customers, Amplitude engaged a collaboration with CATIE (Centre Aquitain des Technol...
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Amplitude Expanded Its Distribution Network in Europe With Soliton Laser- Und Meßtechnik GmbH

Amplitude Laser is proud to announce a new partnership with Soliton Laser- Und Meßtechnik GmbH (soliton-gmbh.d...