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Tunable laser for neuro-imaging installed at Oxford University

...Adam’s laboratory at the University of Oxford. Our system will be used for specific tasks such as deep brain imaging using 3-photon microscopy and...
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Amplitude Live Demo at Laser World of Photonics Munich

...answering to all your questions > Multiple lasers exhibited And if you wish for more information regarding glass cutting application, don’t hesitate to go...
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Amplitude Building a State-of-the-art XUV Source at LASE

...from different scientific disciplines to advance today’s understanding of fundamental and functional spin phenomena in matter and to bridge the gap between fundamental and...
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PODCAST: Interview with Pierre-Mary Paul, Amplitude Laser

...of the Advanced Laser Solutions Business Unit Amplitude Laser. He explains Amplitude’s Advanced Laser Solutions business and describes the importance of our state-of-the-art solutions...
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PODCAST: Interview with Pierre-Mary Paul Amplitude Laser

...of the Advanced Laser Solutions Business Unit Amplitude Laser. He explains Amplitude’s Advanced Laser Solutions business and describes the importance of our state-of-the-art solutions...
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Amplitude and Multipoint Project

...from the industrial applications, numerous exciting projects are coming through that aim at exploiting the power of lasers. For me, this diversity is a...
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Amplitude Launches Satsuma Display

Amplitude is today launching the brand new Satsuma Display! Built on the Satsuma platform whose reliability and stability are already internationally recognized, we are...
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A new glass micromachining method

...the Institute of Intense Lasers and Applications (CELIA) at the University of Bordeaux, France, has explored a new glass micro-drilling method using a femtosecond...
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Nobel Prize in Physics for femtosecond laser technology

October 2 2018 The Nobel Prize in Physics 2018 was awarded to Donna Strickland and Gerard Mourou “for their method of generating high-intensity, ultra-short...
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Amplitude announces a new Tangor made for the industry of display.

...product as compact and lightweight as possible. Indeed, we wanted to ensure that our final users can easily integrate it into their in-line display...
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Amplitude on its way to Laser World of Photonics Munich 2019

D-5 / Hall B3, Booth #325 Don’t miss: > A new ultrafast laser presentation with a LIVE DEMO on June 26 at 11 AM....
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Amplitude Represented at The CLP Board Of Directors

...in the development and promotion of the laser manufactured for the benefit of industries. I am looking forward to working with John Lopez, and...
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Compress, Compress, higher repetition rates and maximum peak intensity

Compress, the industrial pulse compression module offers a unique combination of throughput efficiency and compression ratio to help you reach the maximum peak intensity...
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Surelite 4 A New High Energy Diode Pumped Laser Platform

Continuum, a company of Amplitude Laser Group, launches Surelite 4: a new high energy diode pumped laser platform for ultrafast lasers, exhibited at Photonics...
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Launch of Elite: the New Standard in High Energy Nanosecond Laser

...PW-class amplifier pumping and Shock-related experiments. – Each beam delivers the highest temporal and spatial performance on the market in a compact & reliable...
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Amplitude Collaborates With CATIE

...CATIE, we are working on digital solutions for both facilitating the collaboration between a local technician and a remote expert, and maximizing lasers operating...
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An Elite HE For a 10PW Laser

...HE laser. With a peak power of 10 PW, Apollon will be the second 10PW laser in the world located at CEA Saclay, near...
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New offices for Amplitude in America

...located at 532 Gibraltar Drive, Milpitas, CA. 95035 – USA and we are very excited to start a new chapter there. Don’t forget to...
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Résultats encourageants pour la détection précoce du cancer du sein grâce le projet X-Pulse

...projet, dirigé par “L’Alliance Technologique Laser et Santé” (www.atlas-onco.com), un consortium français d’entreprises et de laboratoires de la région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, vient de présenter le...
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フェムト秒レーザーの世界的リーディングカンパニーであるAmplitude社。 2018年のノーベル賞は、Donna Strickland “とGérard Mourouに授与され、フェムト秒レーザー技術が認められ、科学研究、産業生産プロセス、健康に革命を起こします。 この革命の一翼を担うAmplitude社は、現在、フェムト秒レーザーの設計、製造、商品化において国際的なリーダーとなっています。 超短パルスレーザー製品をフルレンジを提供しています。400人以上の従業員が、これらのレーザーのパワフルさ、信頼性、使いやすさの実現に貢献しています。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk9wQhOU3Xc&feature=youtu.be フェムト秒レーザーのスペシャリスト、Amplitude社 Amplitude社は、産業、医療、理科学用途のフェムト秒レーザーの国際的なスペシャリストであり、リーダーです。 リサーチ&イノベーションと産業効率を融合させ、お客様がプロジェクトを思い立ったときからサポートします。 Amplitudeは、ヨーロッパ、アジア、アメリカに3つの製造拠点と複数のオフィスを構えています。そのため、お客様に最高のサービス品質と迅速性を提供します。 選ばれるパートナーになるために 設立当初から革新的であったAmplitudeは、お客様から選ばれるパートナーです。あらゆる用途に対応するレーザー。すでに理科学研究、応用研究、眼科、電子部品、半導体など複数の分野で採用されており、さらに幅広い分野への対応が可能です。 他社との差別化を図り、前進するAmplitudeの強み Amplitude Ultrafast Lasers testing 多文化共生企業 社員は私たちの最大の強みです! 将来の課題に立ち向かうために、北米、アジア、ヨーロッパにいるAmplitude全従業員のノウハウとスキルが貢献しています。 この多様性は、私たちを際立たせるとともに、知識の共有という点でも豊かな基盤を与えてくれます。 イノベーションの原点...