
  • High-power integrated pump and OPCPA solution
  • Integrated active beam pointing stabilization system and diagnostics
  • Record CEP stability

Introducing a groundbreaking generation of ultrafast light sources, this innovative technology achieves unparalleled stability in Carrier-Envelope Phase (CEP), while boasting impressive average power and exceptional versatility.

By integrating industrial-grade Yb-doped pump lasers with Fastlite’s cutting-edge advancements, this new era in ultrafast laser science establishes unprecedented benchmarks. The Starzz OPCPA systems, built upon the Tangor 300 femtosecond pump laser, offer a remarkable capability to span a broad spectrum of wavelengths, ranging from 800nm to 3μm, and deliver pulses of only a few cycles in duration.

Pump Models Tangor 300
Pump energy (mJ)Up to 3
Pump power (W)Up to 300
Central wavelength800 to 3560 nm
Pulse energyUp to 250 to 300 µJ
Pulse Duration< 15 to < 150 fs
CEP stability < 250 on 8H to < 150 mrad
Long term power stability< 1.5
Pulse to pulse stability< 1.5

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