
  • Single or multiple beams for pumping applications
  • Pre-shot flashlamps readiness control
  • Extensive & accurate pulse shaping – optional

Elite, manufactured by Amplitude, is the new standard in high energy nanosecond lasers.

Elite is now available in 4 distinguished products. Elite products are flashlamp-pumped lasers used for low-repetition-rate TW and PW lasers. Elite is the ideal solution for demanding applications such as PW-class amplifier pumping and shock experiments.

  • Elite :
    • ELITE single 17.5 J
    • ELITE twin 35J
  • Elite HE :
    • ELITE HE: 75J
    • ELITE HE+: 100J

The homogeneity of the beam makes possible to amplify TW and multi-PW lasers, avoiding any risk of damage to the precious Titanium-Sapphire crystal (Ti:Sa).

Designed by Amplitude, the world specialist in Ti:Sa lasers, the Elite lasers are equipped with the most relevant functionalities in order to be the most user-friendly pump Lasers on the market. Elite will offer  to the scientific world an endless list of advantages : Ergonomic, simple, safe, etc.

Elite key strengths:

> Up to 140J at 1053 nm & 100J at 527 nm
> Superior Top-Hat beam quality
> Single or multiple beams for pumping applications
> Online & real time diagnostics, embedded attenuator
> Pre-shot flashlamps readiness control
> Extensive & accurate pulse shaping – optional.

SpecificationsElite SingleElite TwinElite HEElite HE+
Repetition RateUp to 0.1 HzUp to 0.1 HzUp to 0.017 HzUp to 0.017 Hz
Wavelength1053 / 527 nm1053 / 527 nm1053 / 527 nm1053 / 527 nm
Pulse Energy22J @ 1053nm / 17.5J @ 527nm44J @ 1053nm / 35J @ 527nm100 J at 1053 nm / 75 J at 527 nm140J @ 1053nm / 100J @ 527nm
Energy Stability≤1.2% RMS @ 1053nm / ≤1.5% RMS @ 527nm≤1.2% RMS @ 1053nm / ≤1.5% RMS @ 527nm≤1.2% RMS @ 1053nm / ≤1.5% RMS @ 527nm≤1.2% RMS @ 1053nm / ≤1.5% RMS @ 527nm
Energy Drift< 3% over 8 hours< 3% over 8 hours< 3% over 8 hours< 3% over 8 hours
Beam ProfileRound, Top-HatRound, Top-HatRound, Top-HatRound, Top-Hat
Beam(s) Diameter~22mm~22mm~45 mm~45 mm
Divergence≤ 2mrad≤ 2mrad≤ 1mrad≤ 1mrad
Pulse Duration~ 12 ns FWHM2 pulses of ~ 12 ns FWHM~ 15 ns FWHM~ 25 ns FWHM
Timing Jitter< 0.6 ns RMS< 0.6 ns RMS< 0.6 ns RMS< 0.6 ns RMS
Pointing Stability≤ 20 μrad RMS≤ 20 μrad RMS≤ 20 μrad RMS≤ 20 μrad RMS

Compare with other products

You can compare up to 3 products at the same time

Spectral bandwidth
Average Power
Pulse Duration
Repetition rate
Elite Single
1053 nm to 527 nm
22 to 17.5 J
1.75 to 2.2 W
~ 12 ns
Up to 0.1 Hz
Elite Twin
1053 nm to 527 nm
44 to 35 J
4,4 to 3,5 W
2 pulses of ~ 12 ns
Up to 0.1 Hz
Elite HE
1053 nm to 527 nm
100 to 75 J
1,7 to 1,27 W
~ 25 ns
Up to 0.017 Hz
Elite HE+
1053 nm to 527 nm
140 to 100 J
2.3 to 1,7 W
~ 25 ns
Up to 0.017 Hz
Intrepid 700
1064 nm to 532 nm
> 5 to 10 mJ
0,05 to 0,1 W
1 to 18 ns
Up to 10 Hz
Intrepid 712
1064 nm to 532 nm
> 1 J to 1.5 J
10 to 15 W
1 to 18 ns
Up to 10 Hz
Intrepid 721
1064 nm to 532 nm
> 3.5 J to 5 J
35 to 50 W
1 to 18 ns
Up to 10 Hz
Intrepid 730
1064 nm to 532 nm
> 7 J to 10 J
70 to 100 W
1 to 18 ns
Up to 10 Hz
Intrepid 725
1053 nm to 527 nm
> 17.5 J to 20 J
1.75 to 2 W
1 to 18 ns
Up to 0.1 Hz
Intrepid 750
1053 nm to 527 nm
> 75 J to 100 J
0.75 to 1 W
1 to 18 ns
1 shot/min
Agilite 770
1064 nm to 532 nm
> 0.65 J
6.5 W
50 ns to 8 µs
Up to 10 Hz
Agilite 709
1064 nm to 532 nm
> 1.3 J
13 W
50 ns to 8 µs
Up to 10 Hz
Agilite 712
1064 nm to 532 nm
> 3.4 J
34 W
50 ns to 8 µs
Up to 10 Hz
Agilite 721
1064 nm to 532 nm
> 7.4 J
74 W
50 ns to 8 µs
Up to 10 Hz
Agilite 730
1064 nm to 532 nm
> 15 J
150 W
50 ns to 8 µs
Up to 10 Hz
Agilite 725
1053 nm to 527 nm
> 40 J
4 W
50 ns to 8 µs
Up to 0.1 Hz

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