
  • High Energy
  • Ultrafast laser
  • Customizable configuration

Magma is the world’s first industrial-grade ultrafast laser platform delivering up to 500 mJ pulse energy in picosecond or sub-picosecond regime. The diode-pumped technology opens the way to high repetition rate and high average power.

This modular platform allows customized and scalable configurations remotely controlled by Laser 4.0. This control system is universal across the entire Amplitude product line, enabling solutions with different laser combinations in large user facilities or specific dedicated applications.

This solution is especially suited for compact and reliable secondary sources operating 24/7 such as Photoguns, X-Ray sources and THz sources.

SpecificationsMagma 5Magma 25Magma 75Magma 200Magma 500
Pulse energy5 mJ25 mJ75 mJ200 mJ500 mJ
Pulse duration< 400 fs to 10 ps< 400 fs to 10 ps< 500 fs to 10 ps< 600 fs to 10 ps< 700 fs to 10 ps
Repetition rateSingle shot to 300 HzSingle shot to 1 kHz Single shot to 1 kHz Single shot to 100 Hz Single shot to 100 Hz
Central wavelength1030 nm +/- 5 nm1030 nm +/- 5 nm1030 nm +/- 5 nm1030 nm +/- 5 nm1030 nm +/- 5 nm
Beam qualityM2 < 1,3M2 < 1,3M2 < 1,3M2 < 1,5M2 < 1,5
Energy Stability - short term< 0,3 % rms< 0,3 % rms< 0,5 % rms< 1 % rms< 1 % rms
Energy Stability - long term< 0,5 % rms< 0,5 % rms< 1 % rms< 1,5 % rms< 1,5 % rms

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