
Compress module product image


  • Few-cycle pulses
  • Ultra-high efficiency
  • Industrial design for 24/7 operation

Description of Compress

Industrial pulse compression extension/ The result of several years of intensive research and development efforts, Amplitude’s Compress pulse shortening extensions reduce pulse durations well below <100 fs beyond the intrinsic capabilities of all other laser systems on the market.
The patented design of Compress delivers ultrashort pulse duration down to few cycle with the highest throughput efficiency, preserves exceptional
beam quality, and provides pristine short and long term stabilities.
Compatible with our entire product range, Compress enables users to apply novel and unique approaches to material processing as well as explore ultrafast phenomena at unprecedented repetition rates and uptime with few-cycle time resolution.

Features of Compress

SpecificationsCompress 10Compress 50
Input Average PowerUp to 300 WUp to 300 W
Input EnergyUp to 1 mJUp to 1 mJ
Input Pulse Duration< 150 fs to 1 ps< 150 fs to 1 ps
ThroughputUp to >80%Up to >50%
Compression Ratioup to > 10Up to > 50
Operation Wavelength1030 nm and 515 nm1030 nm and 515 nm

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