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Puissances moyennes > 1 W, > 20 W, and > 50 W, Largeurs d'impulsions ≤ 100 fs, fs, and ps, Puissances de crête MW and GW, Energie d'impulsion nJ and µJ, Fréquences kHz and MHz, Longueurs d'onde UV, Green / Visible, Near-infrared, and Adjustable, Catégorie pdt Lasers for Industry, Femtosecond Lasers, and Lasers for Science


Compact industrial ultrafast laser and worldwide best seller The Satsuma product line of femtosecond laser offers versatility in the most compact air-cooled laser platform on...
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Puissances moyennes > 1 W, > 20 W, and > 50 W, Largeurs d'impulsions fs, Puissances de crête MW, Energie d'impulsion µJ, Fréquences MHz, Longueurs d'onde Green / Visible, Near-infrared, and Adjustable, Catégorie pdt Lasers for Industry, Lasers for Science, and Femtosecond Lasers

Satsuma X

Powerful & Versatile Ultrafast Laser Satsuma X is an all-in-one and robust femtosecond laser dedicated to all needs in industry and science. With a full...
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Puissances moyennes > 1 W, > 20 W, and > 50 W, Largeurs d'impulsions ≤ 100 fs, fs, and ps, Puissances de crête GW, Energie d'impulsion µJ and mJ, Fréquences kHz and MHz, Longueurs d'onde UV, Green / Visible, Near-infrared, and Adjustable, Catégorie pdt Lasers for Industry, Femtosecond Lasers, and Lasers for Science

Tangor 100

Powerful, full-featured and versatile femtosecond laser Tangor 100 is a 100W, IR, femtosecond laser combining high repetition rate AND high energy per pulse (500 µJ...
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Puissances moyennes > 1 W and > 20 W, Largeurs d'impulsions ≤ 100 fs, fs, and ps, Puissances de crête MW and GW, Energie d'impulsion nJ and µJ, Fréquences kHz and MHz, Longueurs d'onde UV, Green / Visible, Near-infrared, and Adjustable, Catégorie pdt Lasers for Industry, Femtosecond Lasers, and Lasers for Science

Satsuma Display

Satsuma Display is the most compact air-cooled femtosecond laser on the market, offering 4 individual outputs. Satsuma Display is based on the well-known Satsuma platform...
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Puissances moyennes > 1 W and > 20 W, Largeurs d'impulsions ≤ 100 fs and fs, Energie d'impulsion µJ and mJ, Fréquences kHz and MHz, Longueurs d'onde UV, Green / Visible, Near-infrared, and Adjustable, Catégorie pdt OPA and OPCPA Products and Femtosecond Lasers


Mango is a unique optical parametric amplifier platform designed to meet the highest quality standards. This system delivers any wavelength from 210 nm to...