

  • Synchronization with RF
  • Remote Delay & Scanning
  • Amplifier drift compensation

Description of Synchronization

Synclock and Amplock are state-of-the-art synchronization add-ons compatible with all Amplitude ultrafast laser portfolio. This versatile solution is designed for highest accuracy synchronization of the laser system to either a radio frequency or an optical reference.
These two add-ons, by offering both accuracy and reliability for long-term synchronization, are a must-have for demanding applications such as ultrafast pump-probe experiments, or integrated into secondary sources such as FELs, ICS and OPAs.

Features of Synchronization

Jitter< 150 fs rms from 10 Hz to 10 MHz
Delay150 fs to infinite
Scan< 250 fs/s to 250 µs/s
Long Term Jitter< 30 fs rms over 1 H

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