High Intensity and Energy Physics

Visual representation of a fundamental physics experimentAnother field of physics, the science of laser-induced Shocks and Compression generates an important scientific activity. Three main types of shocks can be distinguished:

  • Laser shock peening, which consists in significantly improving the surface properties of metals (resistance to corrosion, cracking, friction, fatigue, etc.) and which therefore makes it possible to optimize the lightening and/or to optimize the life span of metal structures. (aeronautics, automotive, nuclear industry,…)
  • Laser Bond Inspection, which actively detects in-situ and on-line bonding defects in composite materials (aeronautics, automotive,…),
  • Dynamic Compression, which studies the physics of materials under very high pressure up to hundreds of GPa. Dynamic compression experiments on geological materials are of great interest in Astrophysics for understanding the composition and physical state of the deep interior of the Earth and other planets including exoplanets. It helps the to understand the formation and evolution of planets in general. This domain can also create new materials that do not exist on earth and will give in a near future the opportunity of new applications in industry and societal applications. Dynamic compression experiments are often located in accelerators facility to take advantage of X-rays as a diagnostic.Amplitude has the world largest portfolio of sub-nanosecond and nanosecond high energy Lasers dedicated to Shock and Compression applications.
    Our TITAN, ELITE, INTREPID, and PREMIUMITE product lines offer energy ranging from a few Joule to hundreds of joules at unprecedented rep-rate and with versatile pulse-shaping capability if requested.

Recommended products

Ytterbium Magma laser


Magma is the world’s first industrial-grade ultrafast laser platform delivering up to 500 mJ pulse energy in picosecond or sub-picosecond regime. The diode-pumped technology...
  • Pulse Duration
    < 700 fs to 10 ps
  • Peak Power
    > 4 GW ~ > 1 TW
  • Energy Per Pulse
    From 5 mJ to 500 mJ

Pulsar TW

Pulsar TW is the state-of-the-art high intensity laser for high field science. It offers best-in-class performance with industrial-grade reliability in a compact footprint. This laser...
  • Pulse Duration
    < 23 fs
  • Peak Power
    From > 25 TW to > 400 TW
  • Energy Per Pulse
    From> 0,5 to > 9 J

Pulsar PW

Ultra intense ultrafast laser Pulsar PW is the ultimate light source dedicated to high field science, offering the best-in-class performance and bringing industrial-grade reliability to...
  • Pulse Duration
    < 23 fs
  • Peak Power
    From > 0,5 PW to > 2,5 PW
  • Energy Per Pulse
    From > 12 to > 60 J
Picture of Ti:Sapphire Arco


The best of Ti:Sapphire technology Arco - the class of ultra-intense fs laser systems designed as the ideal light source for the most demanding applications....
  • Pulse Duration
    From < 20 fs to < 100 fs
  • Peak Power
    Up to 120 TW
  • Energy Per Pulse
    From 5 mJ to 2,7 J


High Energy YAG laser  The Titan serie is the family of High Energy and compact Nd:YAG lasers manufactured by Amplitude. Thanks to our efficient pumping...
  • Pulse Duration
    12 ns to two pulses of 12 ns
  • Average Power
    5 to 16 W at 1Hz
  • Energy Per Pulse
    5 to 16 J

Premiumlite GLASS

High-repetition-rate laser glass The Premiumlite product line features our Pseudo-Active Mirror Disk Amplifier Module (PAMDAM). For the first time on the market, these lasers can...
  • Pulse Duration
    20 +/- 5 ns
  • Average Power
    7.5 to 26 W
  • Energy Per Pulse
    Up to 260 J

Premiumlite YAG

kW class laser The Premiumlite product line features our Pseudo-Active Mirror Disk Amplifier Module (PAMDAM). For the first time on the market, these lasers can...
  • Pulse Duration
    6 +/- 2 ns
  • Average Power
    250 to 750 W
  • Energy Per Pulse
    Up to 75 J


Variable Pulseshape Agilite is a high-energy pulsed laser with selectable output pulsewidths. The system comprises an innovative laser design with programmable pulse shaping, a distributed...
  • Pulse Duration
    50 ns to 8 µs
  • Average Power
    6.5 to 400 W
  • Energy Per Pulse
    0.65 to 40 J


Pulse Shaping Intrepid is a high energy pulsed laser system specifically tailored for pumping OPCPA amplifiers. The output of the laser is shaped to...
  • Pulse Duration
    1 to 18 ns
  • Average Power
    1 to 100 W
  • Energy Per Pulse
    5 mJ to 100 J