Tangor 300

  • High power, high energy in one system
  • Industrial design, high pointing stability
  • FemtoTrig® & GHz feature

Powerful, energetic, versatile and full featured, Tangor 300 is made for all industrial and scientific needs.

With Tangor 300, accelerate your production process & advance your research.

Tangor 300 is a powerful femtosecond laser combining high repetition rate, real pulse on demand, high energy, high pointing stability and high beam quality. Coming with a suite of unique features, Tangor 300 enables both new industrial applications such as large area processing, high speed processing, etc., and cutting-edge scientific applications such as high field THz generation, high flux high harmonic generation, OPCPA-pumping and photoemission spectroscopy.

Available Options


    • Pulse-to-pulse control using an internal pulse picker (high precision)
    • Adjustable frequency between two pulses
    • Fundamental Jitter: reduced electronic delay and reduced timing Jitter


    • Multi-step Interaction Process: Thermal Incubation and Dynamic Efficiency
    • Optimal Burst Duration: Elevating Efficiency in Industrial Applications


    • Doubles laser frequency through non-linear optics
    • Enhancing imaging precision and material processing in femtosecond lasers

3D view of Tangor 300

SpecificationsTangor 300 IRTangor 300 GREEN
Central wavelength 1030515 nm (preliminary specs)
Average Power> 300 W> 150 W
Energy Pulse > 3 mJ> 1.5 mJ
Pulsewidth < 500 fs to > 10 ps< 500 fs
Repetition Rate From single shot to 40 MHzSingle shot to 2 MHz (higher energy available upon request)
Beam QualityM² 1.3M² 1.3
Beam Circularity87%87%
Beam Pointing Stability15 µrad over 100 hours15 µrad over 100 hours
Power Stability< 1% RMS over 100 hours< 2% RMS over 100 hours
Warm-up Time< 30 minutes< 1 hour

Compare with other products

You can compare up to 3 products at the same time

Spectral bandwidth
Average Power
Pulse Duration
Repetition rate
Tangor 300 IR
1030 nm +/- 5nm
< 3 nm
> 3 mJ
> 300 W
< 500 fs to 10 ps
Single shot to 40 MHz
Tangor 300 Green
515 nm +/- 2,5 nm
< 3 nm
> 1,5 mJ
> 150 W
< 500 fs
Single shot to 2MHz
Tangor 100 IR
1030 nm +/- 5nm
< 3 nm
> 500 µJ / Up to 700 µJ
100 W
< 500 fs to 10 ps
Single shot to 40 MHz
Tangor 100 Green
515 nm +/- 2,5 nm
< 1 nm
> 250 µJ
50 W
< 500 fs to 5 ps
Single shot to 40 MHz
Tangor 100 UV
343 nm +/- 1,7 nm
< 0,5 nm
> 150 µJ
30 W
< 500 fs to 2 ps
Single shot to 40 MHz
Satsuma X-28
1030 nm +/- 5nm
< 3 nm
280 µJ
28 W
< 400 fs
Single shot to 40 MHz
Satsuma X-50
1030 nm +/- 5nm
< 3 nm
500 µJ
50 W
< 400 fs
Single shot to 40 MHz

General Information


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