Best seller Femtosecond laser Satsuma


  • Air cooled system up to 20 W IR
  • FemtoTrig™ feature
  • Industrial and compact design

Compact industrial ultrafast laser and worldwide best seller

The Satsuma product line of femtosecond laser offers versatility in the most compact air-cooled laser platform on the market. Satsuma is a cost-efficient solution providing a high repetition rate and high energy configuration, up to 175 µJ with Super Burst Mode option.

Satsuma femtosecond laser is available with green, UV, and deep UV outputs.

Versatile and full-featured, Satsuma femtosecond lasers benefit from the last new features for improvement process capability as FemtoTrig™ is a real pulse-on-demand feature with high precision for getting more precise in scan speed adjustment.

Satsuma is internationally recognized as reliable and stable, given satisfaction in a large application range such as the Ophthalmology market, specific micromachining texturing, display repair, or science applications.

Available Options


    • Pulse-to-pulse control using an internal pulse picker (high precision)
    • Adjustable frequency between two pulses
    • Fundamental Jitter: reduced electronic delay and reduced timing Jitter


    • Precision shaping for optimal energy distribution.
    • Analog RF driver and function generator for precision control.

Super Burst Mode

    • Single Burst Mode generates a single high-energy pulse, suitable for precision tasks.
    • Burst Mode amplifies multiple pulses for uniform material processing and imaging
    • Super Burst Mode concentrates energy in the initial pulse for specialized high-energy needs.


    • Doubles laser frequency through non-linear optics
    • Enhancing imaging precision and material processing in femtosecond lasers


    • Triple laser frequency for advanced applications.
    • Revolutionize imaging and material processing precision in femtosecond lasers.


    • Quadruples laser frequency, enabling new frontiers.
    • Redefines imaging accuracy and material processing precision in femtosecond lasers.
SatsumaSatsuma HPSatsuma HP²
Average Power> 5 W> 10 W> 20 W
Energy Per Pulse> 10 µJ> 20 µJ> 40 µJ
Pulsewidth< 350 fs< 350 fs< 350 fs
Repetition RateFrom single shot to 40 MHzFrom single shot to 40 MHzFrom single shot to 40 MHz
Central Wavelength1030 +/- 5 nm1030 +/- 5 nm1030 +/- 5 nm
Short Pulse Option< 220 fs< 220 fs-

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Spectral bandwidth
Average Power
Pulse Duration
Repetition rate
Satsuma X-28
1030 nm +/- 5nm
< 3 nm
> 280 µJ
> 28 W
< 500 fs
Single shot to 40 MHz
Satsuma X-50
1030 nm +/- 5nm
< 3 nm
> 500 µJ
> 50 W
< 500 fs
Single shot to 40 MHz
1030 nm +/- 5nm
< 10 nm
> 10 µJ
> 5 W
< 350 fs
Single shot to 40 MHz
Satsuma HP
1030 nm +/- 5nm
< 10 nm
> 20 µJ
> 10 W
< 350 fs
Single shot to 40 MHz
Satsuma HP2
1030 nm +/- 5nm
< 10 nm
> 40 µJ
> 20 W
< 350 fs
Single shot to 40 MHz

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