New product Satsuma X laser

Satsuma X

  • Up to 50W, 500 µJ in a compact system
  • Industrial design, high pointing stability
  • Arbitrary burst shaping Femtoburst® on GHz, MHz & Super Burst Mode

Powerful & Versatile Ultrafast Laser

Satsuma X is an all-in-one and robust femtosecond laser dedicated to all needs in industry and science. With a full suite of unique features, Satsuma X fits any material processing targets, such as glass processing (TGV), battery patterning, nozzle drilling, high-quality texturing, wafer dicing, OLED cutting, etc. Satsuma X also gives full satisfaction to research laboratories for diverse applications such as life science, cellular imaging, accelerators, X-ray imaging, neuroscience & optogenetics, etc.

Satsuma X is a robust 50 W femtosecond platform combining high energy (500 μJ), high repetition rate (tunable up to 40 MHz), and high beam quality. It is designed for the most demanding applications, such as 24/7 industrial operation.

Available Options


    • Pulse-to-pulse control using an internal pulse picker (high precision)
    • Adjustable frequency between two pulses
    • Fundamental Jitter: reduced electronic delay and reduced timing Jitter


    • Multi-step Interaction Process: Thermal Incubation and Dynamic Efficiency
    • Optimal Burst Duration: Elevating Efficiency in Industrial Applications


    • Precision shaping for optimal energy distribution.
    • Analog RF driver and function generator for precision control.

Super Burst Mode

    • Single Burst Mode generates a single high-energy pulse, suitable for precision tasks.
    • Burst Mode amplifies multiple pulses for uniform material processing and imaging
    • Super Burst Mode concentrates energy in initial pulse for specialized high-energy needs.


    • Doubles laser frequency through non-linear optics
    • Enhancing imaging precision and material processing in femtosecond lasers


    • Triple laser frequency for advanced applications.
    • Revolutionize imaging and material processing precision in femtosecond lasers.
SpecificationsSatsuma X - 28Satsuma X - 50
Average Power28 W50 W
Energy per pulse280 µJ500 µJ
Minimum Pulse Duration400 fs to 10 ps*400 fs to 10 ps*
Repetition rateTunable up to 40 MHzTunable up to 40 MHz
Ellipticity> 95%> 95%
Wavelength1030 nm +/- 2 nm1030 nm +/- 2 nm
M2< 1.2< 1.2
Pointing stability< 20 µrad /°C< 20 µrad /°C
Laser head730 x 310 x 233 mm730 x 310 x 233 mm
*<500 fs at all repetition rate

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Spectral bandwidth
Average Power
Pulse Duration
Repetition rate
Satsuma X-28
1030 nm +/- 2nm
< 3 nm
> 280 µJ
> 28 W
500 fs to10 ps
Single shot to 40 MHz
Satsuma X-50
1030 nm +/- 2nm
< 3 nm
> 500 µJ
> 50 W
500 fs to10 ps
Single shot to 40 MHz
Tangor 100 IR
1030 nm +/- 5nm
< 3 nm
> 500 µJ / Up to 700 µJ
> 100 W
< 500 fs to 10 ps
Single shot to 40 MHz
Tangor 100 Green
515 nm +/- 2,5 nm
< 1 nm
> 250 µJ
> 50 W
< 500 fs to 5 ps
Single shot to 40 MHz
Tangor 100 UV
343 nm +/- 1,7 nm
< 0,5 nm
> 150 µJ
> 30 W
< 500 fs to 2 ps
Single shot to 40 MHz
1030 nm +/- 5nm
< 10 nm
> 10 µJ
> 5 W
< 350 fs
Single shot to 40 MHz
Satsuma HP
1030 nm +/- 5nm
< 10 nm
> 20 µJ
> 10 W
< 350 fs
Single shot to 40 MHz
Satsuma HP2
1030 nm +/- 5nm
< 10 nm
> 40 µJ
> 20 W
< 350 fs
Single shot to 40 MHz

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